Alberta Health Services
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Specialized Geriatric Services (
Offers services to older adults who have had a recent or still undiagnosed reason for a decline in their health or level of function. The Seniors Health Clinic provides assessments for adults usually over the age 75.
Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network (
The Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network brings together a diverse group of stakeholders – clinicians, researchers, patients, families, and decision makers – to reshape and improve health care services and practices that enable seniors to optimize their health, well-being, and independence. We are working on the most effective ways to meet the healthcare needs of Alberta’s seniors based on evidence and best practices within Alberta and around the world.
Primary Care Integrated Geriatric Services Initiative (PHC IGSI) (
The Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network Primary Care Integrated Geriatric Services Initiative (PHC IGSI) aims to enhance the capacity within community teams to provide ongoing quality care and support for those living in the community and that are impacted by dementia, frailty, or other geriatric syndromes.